Dismissal Procedure
Curbside Pickup

Please follow these directions and refer to the map for guidance. As a reminder, office pickup at the end of the day is not permitted.
All children leaving Falcon Ridge, other than on the bus, must have documented (email to office, hand-written note or call to office) parent permission. For last-minute changes, you can call the office at (952) 758-1600 by 2:00 p.m. to inform us that you will be picking up your child(ren). Please follow the guidelines below for parent pickup at the end of the day:
- When arriving, plan to form two lines (K-1 on the right, 2-5 on the left) as you pull into our parking lot. If you have children in both grade groups, you can pick them all up in the K-1 line, as the older children will join the younger. You will drive the outside perimeter of the lot and stay in your two lines when directed to move ahead after the buses have left.
- When buses are still at Falcon Ridge, the first car will wait at the southeast corner of the north parking lot.
- When the buses are dismissed, a FR staff member will signal for the first 6-8 vehicles to pull up at a time pull up in front of our northeast main doors, stop to wait for your child(ren) to get into your vehicles, then leave as a group by taking turns driving in front of our building.
- When exiting in front of the building, please travel slowly and be respectful of the other parent vehicles exiting. Example: vehicle 2 cannot leave until vehicle 1 is gone. Vehicle 4 cannot leave until vehicles 1, 2, and 3 are gone.
- When all vehicles are gone, a staff member will signal for the next group of cars to pull up in front of the building.
- We do not allow students to walk across the bus lane in front of the school to meet you on Columbus Avenue, as this is not safe for your child(ren).
- Please do not park or leave your vehicle in the pick-up line; only students should be getting in and out of vehicles.
- Do not pass a vehicle in front of you; exit the Falcon Ridge lot as a group.
- For those kids opting to walk from school, please talk to your kids about crossing at the crosswalks. We are planning to have adult supervision in place near the crosswalk from Columbus Avenue to Heritage Trail (new in August 2022).
During the Day
DO NOT park in front of the yellow lines. These areas are reserved for buses and mail delivery. Thank you for your cooperation!
Parents/guardians are asked to call the office or send a note with their child prior to appointments and vacations, etc. Please include the name of the person picking up your child, if it is someone other than the parent/guardian, along with the date/time they will be absent and their teacher and grade. Whoever picks up the child will be asked to sign the child out of the office, while a secretary contacts the child through the teacher. Students picked up prior to 3:30 pm will result in a half-day absence. We suggest that appointments be scheduled after school or on non-school days whenever possible.
In the event that you need to pick up your child(ren) prior to 3:40 p.m., you will need to come into the office to check them out. Please park your vehicle in front of the school between 9:15 am-3:00 pm, or in the north parking lot after 3:00 pm, then come to the front door of the building. We will call your child(ren) to the office once you arrive. Exit the parking lot on the north side; DO NOT drive in front of the building past the buses. Please be sure to send a note, email the office or call the school prior to 2:00 p.m. at (952) 758-1600 if you need to pick your child(ren) up early.
All walkers/bikers will gather in the main gym and will be dismissed after all buses have left. Walkers heading east are to walk to the crosswalk on Columbus Avenue and Heritage Trail (new at the end of August, 2022); heading north should cross at the roundabout on Columbus Avenue and 12th Street to cross safely; and heading south will be directed down our front sidewalk to the sidewalk along Columbus Avenue and can safely cross at the roundabout on Columbus Avenue and 7th Street (or County Road 37).
Walkers/bikers will not be allowed to walk across the bus lane in front of the school. Instead, they should go to the nearest crosswalk or roundabout to safely cross the busy streets around our school. We have found these to be the safest walking routes for your child(ren).