“Our Falcon Ridge Community is committed to creating a positive and safe environment to support lifelong learning so ALL R.E.A.P. the benefits.”
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a proactive and interactive approach to establish a social culture in a school that supports social, emotional, and academic success. It uses data-based decision making to align curriculum and behavioral supports for students and staff. It is aimed at supporting safe and effective school environments while preventing behavior problems with students. Our Falcon Ridge community focuses on four expectations:
- Respect
- Effort
- Attitude
- Pride
Children are taught through direct instruction how to demonstrate these expectations in ALL settings of the building and throughout the school day.
Key Components of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Define appropriate behaviors that are expected in the school setting
- Teach behavioral expectations
- Support appropriate behavior through specific feedback
- Uses data to guide further Interventions based on the needs of the setting
-Lewis and Sugai, 1999 OSEP

Falcon Ridge PBIS Core Team
- Amy Borwege - Grade 2 Teacher
- Jim Cavanaugh - School Psychologist
- Dave Giesen - Principal
- Amy Hennen - Social Worker
- Missy Trnka - Grade 1 Teacher
- Lisa Sneen - Grade 5 Teacher
- Barb Zweber - Occupational Therapist
For more information on PBIS you may contact any core team member above or visit the PBIS website.
Family Support/Involvement
To be successful, our behavior program needs to be a partnership between home and school. Throughout the school year the PBIS team will send updates and information about PBIS. We invite your comments, concerns and ideas to make PBIS work at our school.
Please support PBIS at Falcon Ridge by:
- Reviewing behavior expectations with your child.
- Volunteering to pass out Trojan Tickets during recess.
- Using the four expectations at home: PBIS Home Matrix (PDF below)
- Providing positive reinforcement (acknowledging good choices with compliments or quality time) at home.
- Sharing comments with or asking questions of PBIS team members.
- Joining our PAC to learn more about Falcon Ridge.
Falcon Ridge School Song:
"There’s a place in the world where I like to be, Falcon
Ridge School.
Ridge School.
Where we work together – staff and students; R.E.A.P
is our rule!
is our rule!
We respect each other daily, show effort with a great
We take pride in our learning here at Falcon Ridge
Expectations for Falcon Ridge
- Trojan Tickets - An intricate part of PBIS is acknowledging children for being positive and making good choices. Students can be acknowledged for demonstrating positive behaviors by receiving a Trojan Ticket. Trojan Tickets are collected and used for Friday drawings, where students choose from tangible and non-tangible prizes.
- Riders of the Month – Each month, the bus drivers acknowledge students for demonstrating positive behaviors by demonstrating R.E.A.P. on the school bus to and from school.
- Students of the Month - Each month, classroom teachers choose a student to acknowledge for showing positive behaviors and/or demonstrating the monthly school-wide positive character trait.